Hear What Others Have to Say About the Menbodied Institute
"You really made my weekend ... so much of what I'm working on is content that you provided. I am mostly reflecting on what my issues are and what I want to deal with in my life, nothing really major, just reflection on who I am and where I am on this journey into deeper intimacy with myself and those in my life."
"In many ways I have been going through life on auto-pilot and my intentions moving forward are a deeper engagement with myself and others and digging deeper a into what I am only now realizing is “intimacy". I also realize that there is no real end-point just more about the journey and keeping my process moving forward."
" just had an in-my-body experience. I felt both safe and adventurous, curious and accepting, independent and in a duet. So much of the time, I'm disconnected from my senses and instincts. I often think I'm connected because my eyes are open and I can touch an object with my hands. But that's only the surface. By closing my eyes and holding out my hands, I was able to look within. And then look to another from within. A rewarding and new experience that has relevance to how I live my life now and may live my life moving forward." - Lee
"The 'Nipple Whisperer' workshop was challenging for me but also a good experience. I struggle with body image and am very self conscious, so this was a brave act to be open to this workshop, then sign up to explore and experience. The instruction was done with sensitivity and was well thought out, offering useful information and the chance for 'hands on' exploration paired up with other men to both give and receive tender and erotic touch. I appreciated the clear direction and that a lot of care was given to help everyone to learn and grow in a meaningful way." — Tim