When we reach for intimacy, we embark on a spiritual journey. Not just to find connection with our partners but also with ourselves.
Learning how to make our way to intimacy is fundamentally important.
When we arrive, we find ourselves in a place of peace, safety, connection and presence.
It’s subtle. It comes with little fanfare.
But when we arrive in a state of embodied intimacy, we are set free from the struggles of life.
What is DateNite?DateNite is a facilitated evening of embodied sensual moving meditations. Created just for couples to invest in their intimate connection and the health of their relationship.
How do I register and pay?Click here to register and pay.
When does DateNight happen?DateNite is a monthly event held in Portland, Oregon on the last Saturday of the month. From 7-9 pm. Doors open at 6:50 pm.
Where does DateNite take place? Is there parking?DateNite is hosted at SomaSpace, 4050 NE Broadway Street, Portland, Oregon, USA 97232. Go to the SomaSpace website for details about parking and access. https://somaspace.us/
Who facilitates DateNite?DateNite is the creation of Lui Gervais. Dancer, teacher, writer. Lui is passionate about creating opportunities for people to drop into deep healing meaningful connections. A published author and somatic inventor, Lui travels and teaches his unique somatic workshops. He is on the faculty of The BodyElectric School and completed his Masters in dance with a focus on somatic practices at the University of Washington.
Who can I email for more information?Email Lui at lui@embodiedinstitute.com.
What happens at DateNite?Arrive and feel free to introduce yourselves to the other couples present. Or find a comfortable place in the studio. We gather together for a brief introduction to start and get a quick outline for the evening. Over the course of the evening, we will dive in to a small number of moving meditations. After each meditation there is structured time to reflect, share insights and take a short break. At the end of the evening, we gather once more to harvest from our collective experience.
What do we need to bring with us?Please bring or wear clothes that you can moving in comfortably. Bring water to drink at the breaks. A snack if you need to keep you blood sugar from falling.
What is the best way to prepare?Eat a light meal or substantial snack before. Shower. Teeth brushed. Dress comfortably. You will want to look and feel your best. You know best how to take care of and show up for yourself. Give yourself the gift of taking extra time and attention to your body and appearance.
How physical is DateNite?DateNite is a movement workshop. As long as participants can stand, sit, bend, arch, curve and twist gently in both directions, DateNite is within their physical reach. Being able to get up and down from the floor safely without extreme pain is a good indication of whether DateNite is physically possible.
Is there any nudity or sexuality?There is no nudity. But as you will be working with your partner, sexual energy may and hopefully will rise between you. There is no opportunity for overt sexuality to be expressed during the workshop You are encouraged to take that energy home with you ;-) That's the gift of DateNite!
Can I see an example?Sure! This is moving meditation called Embracing the Transition. Take an embrace. Breath together in three times in through the nose and out through the mouth. Begin and end the inhale and exhale in unison. On the end of the third exhalation, both partners move together creatively until they find a new embrace. Repeat for twenty minutes. Watch a video here.
Can I leave or sit out?Of course, you can leave at any time. There are a number of spaces to rest should you wish to take a break.
Why does DateNite work?There are many factors that contribute to make DateNite a special experience. Getting out of the house and coming into a warmly decorated space. Moving to beautiful music. The group focus. Letting an experienced facilitator lead the way, lets both partners relax into their connection without having to simultaneously create it.
Is there a secret recipe?By focusing on shared breath and loving touch, while moving together with our partner, we move our focus from our minds down into our bodies. When we make this body-mind transition we enter into an embodied state of intimacy with our partners that the hectic pace of modern life, technology and parenting prevents us from reaching on our own.
Who is welcome?All couples are welcome. Dating couples. Married couples. LGBTQIA+ couples. 21+
Who is not welcome?Single folx, Children. Pets. Alcohol, Recreational drug use. Racists. Homophobes.
Is DateNite handicap accessible?Yes. The studio is on street level with no stairs. The moving meditations are adaptable to any physical spectrum of expression. Participants in a wheelchair, please contact Lui at lui@embodiedinstitute.com in advance for an information share.
Moving Into Intimacy
DateNite: Moving Meditations for Couples is a facilitated evening of sensual moving meditations. We cannot talk our way to intimacy. We cannot scroll our way to intimacy! As we meditate on our partner, we drop our centers of intelligence from our busy distracted minds down into our hearts. Embarking on a journey toward the intimacy that we all need so desperately.