Intimacy and Beds
Let’s think about our beds for a moment. We do love our beds but let’s think not just about our beds but our bodies in our beds. To state...

Four Things Sacred Intimates Know
Beauty Everyone is beautiful. This may sound trite, like a meme for your Facebook feed, but no matter what judgment your mind creates...

Love! Valor! Compassion!
Years ago, I was in a fabulous production of Love! Valor! Compassion! I loved that play and everyone in it! An all male cast and all...

Bhakti Chakra Yoga
I’ve been doing yoga for just about 30 years now. 30 years!That’s a long time! And it’s been an important part of my health care regimen....

A Mountain of Pleasure
In the Pacific Northwest, the mountains are always beckoning! More trails than anyone could ever hike in a lifetime. Between the Cascades...

Intimacy Bootcamp is Back
Join the Menbodied Institute in October for: Intimacy Bootcamp! We all need intimacy. Unfortunately, many of us know first hand that a...

The Sirens of the Ego
You’re too tired. This is not going to work. It’s just not our thing! A waste of time! Boring! This is so weird! Go back! Whenever I...

Lessons from a Dress
Over the weekend, I went to the Austin Radical Faery gathering! I’ve got so much to integrate about myself and my community. One of the...