Invitations from the Future
I don’t know anyone who has seen a real life alien, the kind from outer space, but if we look at how aliens are typically depicted, they...

That Small Quiet Feeling
I’d like to awaken you to very small feeling. It’s so quiet. Like a Who from Hooville calling out from their microscopic world on a...

Let's Take a Breath
When someone invites you to take a breath, you can’t help but…take a breath. In all the yoga classes and workshops I’ve taken over the...

Empower Yourself
When it comes to our intimate lives, many of us feel like a fuzzy bristled dandelion seed floating in the wind. At the whim of the...

A Sensual Meditation
We are born into a sensual world. From the moment we take our first breath, we are swimming in an overwhelming sea of sensual...